Nutritional Health Supplements – How I Was Wrong About Them

It was my opinion that everybody gets enough nutrients in their diets and that nutritional health supplements were a waste of money. Having played competitive sports for many years, my belief was that women’s or men’s health supplements are only for athletes or body builders. I was wrong! The health benefits of supplements are for everybody and anybody who lead busy, stressful lives. Physically active or inactive, healthy or unhealthy we can all benefit from an herbal nutritional supplement or natural vitamin supplements. I learned this the hard way through personal experience.I had not realized that proper nutrition can be difficult to achieve for many people. Healthy living is difficult when most people do not get enough nutrients in their diet. For example, many cannot get the recommended daily allowance of fruit and vegetables each day. Forgetting nutritional supplementation is no longer an option if we want total nutrition. Unfortunately, the problem is bigger than I thought when you consider all the factors that come into play;Many fresh foods are no longer meeting their optimal nutritional potential. In many cases they are grown in soil that has been farmed excessively and are picked before their prime so they do not over ripen during transportation to market.
Vitamins and minerals may be lost during storage, preparation and cooking.

The purchasing and eating of less nutritious processed foods is common for many who do not have to shop and prepare meals from ‘scratch’.

During the busy week when we do cook, our meals may not be varied enough to offer a variety of nutrients.

We may not change our diet when we need to with age. As we age we need different nutritional supplementation as we digest and absorb certain vitamins and minerals differently.

Some nutrients are simply hard to obtain. For example, the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) available in Salmon oil capsules.

In general, there is a lack of education on nutritional health supplements, healthy food options and cooking.

In my particular case my wife was more at risk. Although, we did eat healthy meals we were not aware of the health benefits of supplements. Unfortunately, we were also dealing with a lot of stress at the time. Stress plays a large role in what nutrients you are using and absorbing in addition to the fact that the ‘knot-in-her stomach’ was inhibiting her appetite. Many women are more in need of herbal nutritional supplements or natural vitamin supplements simply because they consume fewer calories than men.As a result this lead to higher levels of stress and fatigue. Weak, she was prone to illness and mood swings. Hair loss, poor skin complexion and digestive system problems followed. It was a vicious circle leading to more stress and fatigue. It took a this extreme situation for us to realize the need for supplements for general health. A necessary solution for many to meet their daily nutritional needs is simply nutritional supplements whether its women’s health supplements or multi-vitamins, herbal nutritional supplements or natural vitamin supplements. The benefits are obvious;
Improved energy

Reduced frequency of mood swings

Less prone to fatigue and depression

More resilient to stress and illness.

Better overall health as we feel better mentally and physically.
Based upon my wife’s fatigue and illness, we had waited too long and she was in need of a nutritionist. In addition to joining a gym (which helped her appetite) my wife was recommended to take a few key women’s health supplements;
Salmon oil capsules because of the benefits of the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. General good health, improves brain function even reduces the symptoms of PMS. It has also been shown to help anger, depression and stress.

A digestive health supplement; as we age and enter different stages of life our nutritional needs also change. Digestive health supplements may be required as our ability to digest certain foods changes with age. Some vitamins and minerals may be consumed very quickly others may not be absorbed into the body as readily. Lactose and gluten (found in wheat products) may be more difficult for our body to process as we age.

Multi-vitamins or a targeted multi-nutritional kit to promote general health with women’s specific needs in mind.
All these nutritional supplements were easy to find and even available on-line which works well with her busy schedule.My wife’s situation was an excellent example of how women are susceptible to the effects of poor nutrition. She has demonstrated the benefits of total nutrition via nutritional supplements and a healthy diet. Today, she is healthy and living a physically active lifestyle. I am grateful that she is such a wonderful role model to our daughters and others who may also be in need of nutritional health supplements and a better, balanced life.For more information on nutritional supplements, general nutrition, physical activity and stress management please visit

First Line Manager: Understanding Vested Interest

Vested interest exists. This means an individual has a special interest in protecting or promoting that which is to their own personal advantage. Or, there are groups that seek to support or control an existing system or activity from which they derive private benefit.A first line manager’s vested interest are in their functional area goals. A first line manager’s external business environment is also important. Effective first line managers must support a balance between their and others’ vested interest. A first line manager is like a fish in water; the fish contains water and is in water. There is internal business vested interests and external business vested interests. Let us consider these interests.First consider, a business’s internal interest and the manager’s role in each. There are two types of first line managers; functional line managers and general managers. I was a functional line manager as a restaurant manager, an accounting manager, and a territory sales manager, in these roles, my success was dedicated to that function. I was a general manager of hotels and a Business Office Manager; in these roles, my interest was in accomplishing all the functional goals of the organization.Functional first line mangers have to make sure their area of responsibility is accomplishing the assigned departmental goals. A functional manager’s is a success if their departmental goals are accomplished. Managers that are removed of not successful. Acceptable managers goals are within the acceptable range. Managers that consistency exceed their goals are considered for higher management. They are top performers. Here is the rub, functional managers must maintain a delicate balance between their department’s interest and other department’s vested interest.As a District Accounting Manager I approved the credit on sales contracts for appliance sales, a marketing function. If I was too selective marketing did not make quota and the salesperson salary suffered. If I was too lenient, the marketing department made above quota and the salesperson was very happy. In my accounting function was responsible for the payment of the contracts. I reported to a Division Accounting Manager who expected me to collect the money for the appliances. I received my promotions and my bonus on how effective I was in collections not in sales. This is the conundrum of a first line manager; how do you carry out line goals while not alienating other departments.Now think about this, if a first line manager wants to become a general manager, they must keep the other departments goals in perspective. Other first line managers must know, even though, you have departmental interest; you understand other departments have vested interest. You must be seen as cooperating with them to make every manager and the company successful. This is very important, and an extremely difficult balance.If you want to progress to a mid-level manager within your functional area, cooperation with other departments vested interests is important. A mid-level functional manager most times reports to a middle level general manager and higher level functional manager. Progression to a functional middle manager is difficult, most times, you have to be on the top of the department’s functional goals. In addition, you must be acceptable to the mid- level general manager. A mid-level general manager will not want a line functional manager that creates problems for other functional areas as a mid-level functional manager.Now, consider the first line manager as general manager. I was a first line business office manager and general manager, I was responsible for all the functions of the company. I had an interest in the accomplishing the goals of accounting, marketing, and operations. I had goals in each of these functional areas. I reported to a middle level general manager. I was given these positions because I was a successful first line manager. Also, I was chosen for these positions because of my expanded activities in the community and within the company. I achieved my functional goals and helped other departments make their goals; or, I would never been given these general management positions. As a general manager my energy was divided among the functional areas of the company. My success was based on my teams success in all the functional areas. I had a vested interest in all functional areas. Now, I had to deal with reporting to functional middle managers whose vested interest was in their area.Second consider, a business’s external interest and the manager’s role. A couple examples are the vested interest of Labor unions, and the community.Labor unions are an external vested interest. Unions present a unique problem for a first line manager.I remember my Dad explaining mistletoe to me. Mistletoe gets it food from the tree. If the tree dies the mistletoe plant will die. I wondered if the mistletoe knew it could kill the tree. Labor unions have a vested interest in keeping the union alive. Do they care if the business survives? I think that to a great extent a union does.As a first line and general manager, I had to contend with union concerns. This meant, I became an expert on the union contract. I realized the written comments in the contract did not always mean what they seemed to mean. This conundrum meant, I had to know the memorandum of understanding of the comments between the company and the union. Also, I made use of a company industrial relations person when there was confusion.A union employee’s interest was not always in the best interest of the company; it was with the union. Seniority is a vested interest in unions. This means that seniority was a interest of union employees. Our contract gave certain entitlements for seniority. I had to know how to manage seniority. If I was not careful, union employees would use seniority entitlements to their advantage. For example, union employees that reported to me wanted all new vehicle to go to the senior employee. This entitlement was not in the contract and was not in the interest of the company. I refused to allow the senior employee to get the new vehicle. Why is knowledge of the contract contents important to a manager? If you are not careful, you will set a precedent in your department that will be used against the company in negotiations or arbitrations.First line managers must understand community interest. First line managers must at times place these community interest ahead of company and personal interests. This is very important today because of social media. A manager must always be aware of risk management and ethics in their decisions. Some decisions may seem correct for your department or company; but, will not for the interest of the community. Your decision could become a risk management issue for your company.Consider, General Motors, because it did not consider the interest of the community when it did not recall the cars because of the starter problem in their cars. This decision had a tremendous negative impact on the image of General Motors with the public.I will not continue with other examples of invested interest first line managers must consider.The point is, a first line manager must be sensitive to other’s vested interest; then, manage their vested interest accordingly.

Finding The Right Home School Program

There’s no turning back now! We joined the ranks of the home school movement! We actually left behind the traditional brick and mortar school system. We did? Yikes! How the heck did I do this alone AND find the right path or “home school program” that was perfect for our family?The biggest question was can I do this? Eek! I realized I was about to embark on a colossal voyage; full-time employment, full-time teacher, full-time mom! I’m so glad I didn’t think how massive this thing was at the time (risking I’d chicken out once I realized the scope of this task all by my lonesome). I just decided to move forward and wing it. I had a “Mom the Builder” attitude. Once I made my mind up, I declared “I CAN do this… yes I CAN!” I was determined to move forward full speed and damn the torpedoes! I was resolved to stick with this as long as we were achieving positive results. We’d give it a year and make an assessment after that as to whether to continue.LOGISTICS AND RESEARCHA big factor we didn’t consider, were the people in our life and whether they would support or interfere with this decision. We had to keep those who were unsupportive at bay. I was wise enough to understand, if we failed, we would have learned a valuable lesson and would be stronger from the experience. If we succeeded… all the better!The next thing I needed to address were the “physical logistics.” Where to set up the “classroom” and a comfortable workspace, while keeping “distractions” to a minimum. We opted to convert the master bedroom into a home office/classroom. It was spacious enough for both our needs. I could set up daily lessons and continue on my own work. Plus, I would be right there to give guidance and aid when it was needed. A perfect fit!With the initial concerns tackled, next was finding the right program. I conducted extensive research to see what was available. Wow! I had no idea there was so much information out there on home schooling and home school programs. So much so, that it was a bit overwhelming. I didn’t know which direction to head! I didn’t know anyone PERSONALLY that home schooled their children. In fact, many of my friends and family thought I was insane! Their valid concerns were about “socializing”. But it didn’t stop us, because it felt right and I was open to implementing extra curricular activities to cover the “social” aspect.I also contacted other families who had home school experience to get the pros and cons from their own journey. My internet research yielded all sorts of home school programs, including free and tuition programs, as well as Christian based curriculum programs. I had no idea there would be so much to choose from. I certainly had my work cut out for me!After I concluded my research, we decided to try out the K12 program to see if it was the right one for us. It is an “accredited” chartered public school that provides all the tools found in a traditional brick and mortar public school arena. Over the years, they provided us (since the first grade) with a computer, printer, textbooks and the tools for each subject (science, math, literature, spelling, history, art and yes even music!) When we received our first shipment, it was like Christmas! The support we continue to receive from the school is commendable AND because we had to relocate from Arizona to Nevada (for employment reasons) we did not have to change curriculum. K12 is available tuition free in both states! Needless to say… this was a great choice for us.. big time! My child excels in school, is a grade ahead of her peers and an honor roll student at the top of her class!